I am curious to how you see these?
Do you ever read any other blogs? Are you familiar with a comment section? The reason I choose to blog is that it is like an ongoing journal of our life that on one hand can keep you in the loop because we don't get to talk as much as I would like too. And secondarily, I want the kids to be able to have a place to come back to and review their life in a round about way. SOOOO....if you ever feel inclined to send us or the kids a message in the comment section - Please do. There is a little button at the bottom of a post that says "comments" - just click on it and follow he directions.
If you are a regular "blogger" you can follow my site. It will be on your read list each time I post. It really is that easy. You can save it as a favorite.
Hope you are all having a wonderful day! I am at home with a sick baby boy :(. Actually, he is on the mend - getting over a left ear infection, sinus infection, and pink eye! Battling fever since Sunday night - but today he has felt like a million bucks compared to earlier this week!
Love to you all!

I think this is a great idea. Thanks for inviting me! JSYK, David's kids call me Honey :)Mostly the three year old...
That is too cute. I like that name.
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