
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all my peeps who are Mothers. What a great day! Nothing about the day being focused on us, not about us going to our favorite restaurant for lunch after church and overeating enjoying a great meal with fabulous company, not about the coolest cowboy boots I have ever seen waiting for me to wear, not about my husband being at my beckon call enjoying the afternoon with me - just because - not about the kids being extra sweet - literally just because it is such a blessing to have all of these people in MY life.
Most of my childhood, in fact all of my childhood and early adulthood I only wanted one child - little did I know that God had something totally different in mind for me. He put a man in my life that already had two children - hence the name Lovely and other funny jokes like they have "a brother from another mother". Emma and Dougie have been wonderful to me and I couldn't ask for more wonderful children. Then along came Luke, our wild man - talk about a blessing. Doug always told me that there was something special about a baby and snuggling. I love being a mother to him - watching him transform into a little boy has been exciting for me and I just hope that I can etch every memory in my what seems to be worsening forgetful mind! Therefore, I have resorted to writing things down. All of a sudden I was a mother of three wonderful children. What fun this has been - maybe not all the nights being up in the middle when I should be sleeping - for those of you who don't know - we are adding a fourth to the mix. Yes, Rob and Kerri, Frank and Heather just trying to keep up with you all. After serious praying and more praying we decided to see if another baby was in our future. Lo and behold a mere two months later - I am 10 weeks pregnant. So, this being the first mother's day that I am pregnant - I thought I would list the reasons I love motherhood best......
5. All the children have vomited on Doug and none on me.
4. Hustling from school to homework to dinner to ballgames can be exhilarating!
3. The sound of Luke falling out of bed can be funny - unless he breaks a finger.
2. Being with Emma last year when she did not make cheerleading was heart wrenching, but this year when she did - sharing in her excitement was heart warming!
1. Prayer before bedtime with all three children - hearing about their concern for others, the world around us, and their thankfulness for our family.

So to all you mothers - and especially mine - Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Our Family

I know I know - Easter was a month ago but here is our latest family Easter photo!

                                                             take one
                                                              take two - Dougie fell asleep! hehe
                                                    take three = Luke says - I 'm over this!