Luke has enjoyed his visit with my Mom - his Mimi - who's neighbor has a jumpoline. That would trampoline in the English language. He wakes up at 7am only asking to go to the jumpoline.
Luke spent the night with Uncle Frank and Aunt Heather one night. He was a trooper. Frank only has girls - so they think Luke is pretty cool. He was looking for their nightly visitors of raccoons that eat the cat food. He pulled a fast one on them the next morning. Luke requested Donald's for breakfast. (McDonald's in the english language) Once they got there he wanted to play on the playground - only this McDonald's didn't have a play set! So they asked what he wanted for breakfast - he said "pop tart".
Getting ready for the 5k race in Waynesboro to benefit the Center for New Beginnings. Each year seems to get easier on the planning end. I hope we have a big turn out!
Emma is almost 13 - November 29. She is trying to figure everything out - just per personality, hormones, friends, etc. She has moved into the youth group at church. So far she seems to enjoy it.
Dougie fresh is still being a 10 year old boy - He is trying to teach Luke to play baseball. The boy loves to cook and eat and cook.
I am not looking forward to nine hours in the car on the trip home -but I am looking forward to seeing my hubs tomorrow. I miss him dearly. I know Luke misses him too.
I wonder why after 13 years of marriage for some folks - they want to throw in the towel? I know I did after only five years of marriage, but I really feel differently about it now. Wondering why people give up so easy instead of seeking counseling and help. It makes me sad.
Well, I guess that is all for now.....

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