
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Break - 2010 more pics!

We had so much fun on St George Island this year for spring break. A group of us rent a house together, pack up our kids, and head to the beach for a week. Only Luke and I went (Emma and Dougie were with their Mom for the week visiting grandparents in Atlanta!) Dad's don't generally go - due to other commitments. Doug could never go and just sit at the beach for a week! He is too mobile - needs to be on the go! Each night a mom cooks for the entire crew and we all eat as a big family! We had 7 families down there! Luke met a buddy - Peyton, he was 4 years old - but they had a blast playing together. All the kids did wonderful together - ages 3 - 16. Here are some pictures.......

Luke hanging with the big kids

Our Rental

Luke and Peyton

Cool Dude - washed ashore

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