Also, with 15 of us in the same house most of the day, we get to see a lot of each other. I have met sisters, friends, children, and learned things about all of them that I did not know before. But the biggest thing that God has impressed on me this week is that we are to be an example all the time! Especially to these children - what a wonderful opportunity to have them in an environment away from school , TVs, game boys, and what not to teach them the values of 'doing unto others as you would have done to you'
As I look around and enjoy the sunrises and sunsets, the beautiful beaches, and the sound of the waves crashing into shore, I have to admit not only is this creation beautiful, but am I doing what I was sent here to do? What examples are you setting for those around you. It doesn't matter your age, or the ages around you. I am learning from the children alike.

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