Hello - I am Lily Claire Springer. I arrived on November 19, 2010 at 10:15am. I was 6 lbs 4 oz and 20 inches in stature. I didn't waste any time coming into this world. My mommy arrived at the hospital close to 9 am and I got here at 10:15. So this is the story of my arrival. Let me take you back a couple of weeks to my Mommy's doctor's appointments. For three solid weeks Mommy was 4cm dilated with no real contractions. At my 37 week check up she was still 4cm and nothing new - just pressure. That was Wednesday morning. My Daddy had to work in Florence, SC on Friday am - he had a 7am case in the operating room. With Florence being 3+ hours away, Mommy suggested he drive over Thursday night so he wouldn't have to get up so early Friday morning. Mommy slept GREAT on Thursday night! Woke up at 6 am with some mild discomfort, and what she thought was Braxton Hicks contractions at 5 minutes apart. So she had some coffee and took a shower to see if they would pass. Remember I was not due until December 1st. The contractions didn't pass, only became two minutes apart instead......so Mommy took Luke to Granny's house, Sammie (the dog) to the kennel and traveled to Augusta to the hospital. The contractions got worse but she made it to the hospital and once in the triage area for Labor and Delivery, the nurses assessed her and she was 8cm! I was on my way fast! Mommy did get an epidural and I arrived very shortly after! Mommy only pushed three times and I popped out! Mommy had two great nurses coaching her to breath and Daddy on the phone since he was driving like a mad man to get to the hospital! I was not waiting on him to arrive to enter this world.
A funny side note, when the doctor turned me around for Mommy to see whether I was a boy or a girl - Mommy said - "It's a ......." the phone speaker was taken over by my screaming, so Daddy didn't hear what sex I was! He had to ask well what is it?
All is well in this new world. I am a very laid back baby. I love to be held and sleep on people's chest. I have a little hair as you can see from the pictures. It appears to be red so far. I also have blue eyes just like my big sister Emma, my big brother Luke, and my Daddy. I am sleeping pretty good at night so far. I just like to eat every 2-3 hours during the day! I love my bath time, I just sit back and relax under the warm water.
Well, that's enough for now! Glad to be here!
Lily Claire

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