
Friday, February 20, 2009

Dougie Boy

Dougie did great yesterday during his surgery. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. He was a trooper. After a very long nap - he woke up and wanted his favorite cuisine - Chinese food. So off to the China Dragon I went. I'm sure you have all heard of sesame chicken and fried rice?????? Well not our China Dragon in little Waynesboro, GA - it is called North of China. Who would of thought? I just said, mam, my son just had surgery today and all he wants to eat is something that resembles sesame chicken. Could you please give the the closest thing on your menu to that. "Oohhh, yes....Nort of China" Dougie boy was happy with his North of China.
On to Luke who has some sort of virus, poor baby. He has fever, bad diarrhea, and has NOT eaten since Wednesday night. So can you imagine my fun of trying to keep my two boys from mixing it up. I don't want Luke to get Dougie sick!
Emma has been the perfect angel this week as far toughing it out, making her own way. The girl is surprising me. She is really growing up and coming into some pretty amazing thoughts of her own.

Ok, I'm going to go back and try to post that boxing video from a while back. It was sooo funny.

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