
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Updates and the such

Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes for my Grandfather over the last two weeks. I am so glad to report that he is doing better and has been released to rehab for PT. He is approaching 85 years old and he needs a little help getting the bones moving again!

With that being said, I am sooooo behind on reading all my blogs, FB, and I must admit work. So it is almost like I have to devote small portions of time to read everything that I want to catch up on! ( otherwise, I would just sit here all day, and be a computer junkie)

Luke is sweet as pie. He has my personality - today we were leaving Wal-mart and he was just a talking to everybody in the store. The child doesn't meet a stranger. When we got ready to leave, he tells everybody "bye" looks around, finds some one else - "bye bye" when we are in the parking lot, yelling "bye bye" to the people getting out of their cars. The boy is not right!


Big Sister said...

Hey Lovely! such a cute pic of Luke!! I know I've seen it before but it is still cute no matter how many times I see it! I miss u & can't wait to see you Monday!!Love you!!

Big Sister said...

Hey Lovely one more thing plz check out my blog! Plz pray for Kaylan! She's having a rough time!