
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Woman's Heart

Tonight my heart is very heavy. I attended a bible study entitled A Woman's Heart by Beth Moore. It is the first night in a series of 10 weeks. This heaviness has nothing to do with the bible study, but about the women who attended. When we think that things really aren't going our way or we had a really crappy day just know that there is always some one or many "some ones" that are far more in need of love, hugs, and prayer than we are.

We have a group of about 9 or 10 women that rush to get to one house by 5:30 pm to spend time learning about the tabernacle. Tonight people had all sorts of issues -  One lady has a daughter about to deliver twins any day - daughter lives in Ohio mom lives in Georgia. Daughter has MS and is very sick right now. Mom has been there all summer being a grandma to her 3 year old grand son and helping her daughter get around. By the way, daughter's husband is a med student......Mom has to come home to begin her school year and write lesson plans for the next month while she plans on being out to help her daughter after the delivery.

Another lady has a husband who is newly diagnosed with diabetes - she has to learn to cook differently and they have to adjust. Their daughter in law and her toddler just moved in with them due to being put on bed rest at 19 weeks of pregnancy. This is her fourth attempt at pregnancy after three miscarriages. Her sister has cancer every where !

Another lady just lost her unborn grand baby less than a year ago.....

Another lady is excited to get the news that she will be a Grandma..... in April but is missing her daughter because she is in Texas and Mom is in Georgia.....

Now my problems don't seem so bad...... just know that God has control of it all and knows all the outcomes of each and every situation. I can only imagine this ten week journey ahead and what we will learn.

Love to all

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Cat is Away.... Mice will play......

So the cat I am referring to is Doug and the Mice are Luke and I.......
Doug is gone on his annual bike trip with his buddy from Chicago. Every year they a pick a bike rally and go ride their motorcycles for a few days. This year they are in South Dakota and Wymoing. He actually has the best of both of his hobbies because there is a fly in during one of the bike rallies! Ha ha - boys and their toys - they never grow up!

So, while Daddy is away, Luke and I are hanging out doing what ever we PLEASE ;). We have had cereal for dinner twice, drank a lot of apple juice, and we went shopping last night for a toy. We went to the Wal*Mart in our massive town and purrosed the toy aisles. Luke is a lot like me - he carried around this one set of building blocks for about three ailes then He stumbled upon the ultimate toy! He quickly set down the building blocks and picked out this dress up outfit. When I stroll through TJ Maxx I put all sorts of things in my basket, but end up strolling around the store until I have seen everything and then I return it all to it's rightfull shelf or hanger. I usually leave with nothing after an hour.

But Luke would be different - we came home with it. Luke immediately pulled off the tags and stripped naked to don his new clothes. He played all evening, wore it to bed, and inisted on wearing it to Granny's house today! Mind you - it is 100+ degrees here! When I got to church tonight, he was STILL in the spidey outfit. I finally peeled him out of it for a bath and threw it in the washing machine for a much needed cleaning!

Now, at bedtime, He is next to me passed out in Doug's spot in the bed. Well, it is a special occassion. ;)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Things I am Thankful for - and it's not even November......

1. My Salvation
2. Grace
3. My husband Doug - who truly is my soul mate
4. My children - Emma who makes me laugh at her silliness, Dougie who is so stinking sweet for a boy and Luke who is just in his bad phase right now. oh yeah - and child #4 for keeping me awake with such strong karate kicks.
5. My family - such as brothers, Mother, and Grandfather - I miss them dearly.
6. My blessings - a good job ( yes that I have to work most days, but it means I am able) , a house ( even if we have a mortgage - I am not in this terrible heat with no where to go) , my friends (who are all just as busy but we still find time to laugh and hang out)
7. Last but not least - Ice Cream - I have attempted to make a deal with myself - only one time a week! We will see how that goes!